Friday, February 12, 2010

Quote 9 Don't Send it!!!

Always write angry letters to your enemies. Never mail them.
~James Fallows~


  1. I agree this point. I think if when you're angry, you think only is this people bad things, you write the letter also have many discourse attack, and the other people also in the anger, if you mail them I think you are become enemies forever.

  2. yab,
    i always do it.It is the best way to get away your angry.

  3. If the enemy has angered to you.I think you can write down you are dissatisfied with the enemy.Don't be mail to enemy.It's better to each other.

  4. I think good point .
    I do not think to write angry letters to me enemies,because I was angry that will be like an animal. I do not like anyone see me like an animal.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. If i have enemies, i would not write letter to them. I would just forget about it. I don't want to be enemy with anyone. So,to me, forgiveness is very important.

  7. I agree this point.I was angry of anyone do not write mail.

  8. i do not think about this in my life bout what i thik it is a good things to make everyone friends with you.

  9. Yeah, thats good, if you do not mail it you will not get in trouble, but writing it might make you feel better.

  10. i wander if the letters could scream at your face just like in Harry Potter movies.

  11. Soundous!!!! You are hilarious!!! lol I love the thought! very nice responses! Great work!

  12. I love this!!! What a great way to get your anger out, not keep it bottled up inside you, and at the same time, not hurt another person. You feel better, they feel better. Everyone wins!!
